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Your Skin My Values Beauty Tips Backed by Science 

                                      Keywords in this blog: skin peeling, skin renewal, peptides, skin rejuvenation
   Since I opened my new store in Westfield Montgomery Mall Bethesda, Maryland I have been piling stories and before and after pictures for my future book. Prospective customers walking in the store with multiple skin aging concerns such as brown spots and pigmentation are lack of simple effective skincare routine and basic knowledge of non-prescription grade topical creams and lotions targeting specific skin legions. In this blog I intend to elucidate the topic of facial rejuvenation and cell regeneration with biomimetic peptides designed to promote cell renewal (desquamation) in non-alcohol-based acid peeling solutions. People are scared of acid peels because there is not much media news about new technology in this category and they resort to ED (energy devices) and other modality with multiple costly sessions and little results.

   As we aged the turnover time of the epidermis is decreased and desquamation is not homogeneous anymore leading to dry, rough, scaly skin, wrinkles and with added environmental exposure all types of brown spots and skin legions become more visible.

   The outer layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum) is composed of dead, keratinized cells, called corneocytes, provides the barrier against the desiccating effects of the environment. Continual renewal is an essential feature of maintaining the integrity of the skin barrier. These cells undergo a process of proliferation followed by differentiation to new corneocytes what is known as cell replication. The turnover time of the stratum corneum is normally two to four weeks. Between the thirties and the seventies, the turnover rate of the stratum corneum is decreased about 30 to 50%.
   A small molecular protein called cell adhesion is essential to hold the cells together. A peptide containing such short sequence was produced to compete with cell-to-cell binding and thus to promote desquamation. Assessed in a placebo-controlled human study, the peptide is increasing the epidermal turnover time to values typical for young skin. This kind of peeling effect results in secondary skin benefits such as significantly increased smoothness, reduced wrinkle depth and in combination of specific acids in specific delivery systems eliminate brown spots and sun pigmentation.

   The skin in the elderly becomes dry probably because a decline in the production of sebum and a lack of normal desquamation. The latter could be the reason for the decreased cell turnover rate but also for the formation of scales because of abnormally high cohesion between corneocytes. In general, the skin of older people tends to be dry, rough, and scaly and more prone to winter eczema for instance.
   Keratolytic agents used for chemical peeling such as alpha-hydroxy acids (e.g., glycolic acid) or beta-hydroxy acids (e.g., salicylic acid) lead to visible desquamation and to the acceleration of the stratum corneum turnover. But these peels often cause side effects such as skin irritation and barrier disruption because they are made with alcohol and cause non-control peeling with mild to severe burning. Not a pleasant experience! Especially for elderly skin that is even more prone to irritation. 
   A new technology is applied in production of topical acid peels in absence of alcohol with peptides that promotes desquamation and added proteins to moisturize the skin at the same time. Topical application of these chemical solutions facilitate natural rejuvenation effect without concomitant irritation of the skin. Such an innovative solution is My Osmotic Peel SP made for comfort and instant gratification. We also offer a few products made with same ingredients to optimize your daily skincare routine.

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